
Tratamiento de héroe

Los históricos banderines deportivos de Morristown y Beard
Fundada en 1891

Una historia perdurable de excelencia.

Morristown Beard School, established  in 1891, has richly surpassed its 125th anniversary milestone. We celebrate our storied past, honoring those who have shaped this extraordinary school we cherish today. Throughout our extensive history, Morristown Beard School has met the challenges and opportunities of each new decade and responded to prepare our students for leadership. While steadfast in our commitment to the School’s original values, MBS has actively transformed our facilities, academic program, and co-curricular offerings to elevate them to new levels of excellence and ensure that our education remains as relevant as possible. 

In the past decade alone, MBS has renovated every building on campus, installed turf on each athletic field, constructed our spectacular performing arts center, Founders Hall, and built a 25,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art Math & Science Center and 8,000 square-foot Center for Innovation & Design. We have reformed our curriculum to emphasize critical thinking, problem solving, independent thought and intellectual risk taking. With vision and purpose, we have also expanded our global outreach programs and embraced the latest technology to meet the evolving needs of our students and faculty.

Celebración de 125 años

125 septiembres

La vida de las escuelas 1891-2016

Para celebrar nuestro 125 aniversario, el Dr. Alan Cooper, antiguo profesor de la MBS y archivero, y Carol Selman, del 64, han recopilado historias de nuestro pasado. 

100 septiembres

Una mirada retrospectiva a los primeros 100 años de historia de The Beard School, The Morristown School y Morristown Beard School escrita en 1991 por Pamela R. Bloom, entonces presidenta del Departamento de Lectura.

Historia de la escuela Morristown Beard

Más información sobre la solicitud de ingreso en la escuela Morristown Beard 

Nuestra misión y valores Cómo presentar una solicitud Iniciar el proceso de solicitud