MBS Economics Class and BFI Club Tour New York Stock Exchange and Visit Bloomberg Headquarters

MBS Economics Class and BFI Club Tour New York Stock Exchange and Visit Bloomberg Headquarters

On Tuesday, December 10, Ricky Kamil’s Advanced Seminar Economics class and members of the BFI (Business, Finance and Investment) Club traveled to New York City to get a tour of the New York Stock Exchange and visit Bloomberg’s Headquarters.

The trip to the NYSE was graciously hosted by Alan Kirshenbaum P '25, Chief Financial Officer at Blue Owl Capital Inc. Students were introduced to the rich history and pivotal role of the Exchange in both the stock market and the broader economy. They witnessed the excitement of the opening bell and benefited greatly from the insights that Mr. Kirshenbaum and his colleague, Ronald Bohlert, Director-Real Estate at the NYSE, shared with students on the trading floor. In particular, they learned about the responsibilities and intricacies of Designated Market Makers at Citadel. After a brief stop for bagels at the iconic Russ & Daughters, students arrived at Bloomberg’s headquarters on Lexington Avenue, where they learned how the company prepares and delivers business and financial news and information to its worldwide audience.

The trip to Bloomberg was kindly hosted by Tom Murray, Enterprise Relationship Manager, Angela Kenney, Bloomberg Account Manager, and MBS alumnus Nick Rella ‘15, who works as an Enterprise Relationship Manager at Bloomberg. The students toured the ultramodern building and learned about the company’s mission to provide accurate, timely, and insightful information that empowers businesses, financial professionals, and decision-makers to make better-informed decisions through its comprehensive data, news, analytics, and technology.

Nearly 30 students participated in the field trip including:

Liam Atkins '25
Jake Ben-Hayon '25
Eric Bergelsen '25
Gabriella Biamonte '25
Zachary Braun '25
Thomas Byrne '25
Kevin Chen '25
Andrew DeKuyper '25
Sloane Fiverson '25
Kimberly Freeman '25
Sarah Freeman '25
Trevor Gatz '26
Joshua Greenwood '25
Nate Kahm '26
Julie Kirshenbaum '25
Justin Kothavale '25
Alex Levy '26
Robert Magnotta '25
Ilana Manne '25
Alexander McMahon '25
Brian O’Neill '26
Lily Rubinfeld '25
Blake Sikora '25
Hailey Tannen '25
Zachary Zweibel '27

They were accompanied by chaperones Ricky Kamil P '15, Philicia Levinson P '19, and Ryan Liese P '31.


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