Estudios Globales

Tratamiento de héroe

Una fila de 18 estudiantes con los brazos entrelazados contemplan una montaña peruana
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Global studies at MBS provide students access to rich academics and a diverse intercultural experience.

Mission: The MBS Global Studies Program is committed to fostering a community of globally-minded individuals by empowering students with diverse and enriching global experiences. Through immersive learning and meaningful community-building opportunities, we aim to ignite curiosity, nurture compassion, and instill a sense of responsibility in every student.Our mission is to cultivate well-rounded, thoughtful citizens of the world, who are equipped to navigate the complexities of our interconnected global society with understanding, empathy, and a commitment to positive change.

Morristown Beard School ofrece numerosos viajes culturales, curriculares y de servicio al extranjero cada año, proporcionando a los estudiantes acceso a ricas experiencias de aprendizaje académico fuera del aula.
Morristown Beard School también colabora con numerosos proveedores externos que ofrecen a nuestros alumnos de Upper School juniors, seniors y postgraduados la oportunidad de estudiar en el extranjero durante un semestre, un año o un verano. Además, MBS ha trabajado con organizaciones de renombre para ofrecer a los estudiantes internacionales la oportunidad de estudiar en el extranjero en nuestra Escuela durante un año.

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Si desea más información sobre nuestros programas de Estudios Globales, póngase en contacto con
Aline de la Torre-McCloskey

Aline de la Torre-McCloskey

Lenguas del mundo, Director de Estudios Globales

Global Studies Vendor Day - December 4

Please Click Below For More Information

First page of the PDF file: VendorDayslidedeck2

Global Studies Trips for 2025



Hábitat para la Humanidad

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Global Studies Trips for June 2024

Highlights from Mexico 2024

Semester/Year Abroad Information

The School offers a total of four tuition/fee waivers. These waivers are prorated for the portion of the year that a student will be away from campus and are offered on a first come, first served basis.
The School cannot guarantee that a student who is accepted to a study abroad program will be granted a tuition/fee waiver, therefore it is imperative that families communicate with the School throughout the process.
Seniors are not eligible to participate in study abroad programs.  The School believes that senior year is a culminating experience for our students, providing unique social and educational opportunities throughout the year.  Because of this, seniors are expected to complete the entirety of the year on campus.
Interested students should fill out the Study Abroad Interest Form. Please refer to pages 64 & 65 of the Family Handbook for additional information on policies and procedures related to the MBS Study Abroad Program.

Noticias de Global Studies