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A group of smiling MBS students.
Visit Morristown Beard School

Join us for a Campus Tour or Information Session.

¡Estamos impacientes por darle la bienvenida!

¡Gracias por su interés en Morristown Beard School!

We believe the best way to get to know a school community, campus, and custom curriculum is by attending an event, either in person or on Zoom! Morristown Beard School hopes to give families every opportunity to engage with our community, and we have crafted an incredible schedule of events this fall through which prospective families can explore Morristown Beard School.
Below, you can find the different types of events we offer, including tours, Information Sessions, and Open Houses. We do recommend that all families and their students visit us at least once before they have completed their interview and application for admission. You can find the best event for your schedule below.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Visita y charla de MBS
Visitas informativas en el campus

Fall Tours will begin September 24, 2024 and continue through Tuesday, December 10. 

At this time, all tour spots are full.

We will start tours again following spring break, in April 2025. We can't wait to show you our beautiful Morristown campus, while learning about our academic programming and student life!

General Information Sessions

Information Sessions are conducted virtually, using Zoom.

Information Sessions, offered once or twice a month, are a wonderful opportunity for families exploring their school choices to get a broad overview of our curriculum and community and hear from faculty, administration, and current parents. All details, including Zoom links, will be emailed to registered families prior to the event.

Open Houses

Live a morning-in-the-life of an MBS student! Families will explore the academic and extracurricular programs that make Morristown Beard School one of the independent private schools in the New Jersey region. These events offer a chance to tour our purposefully designed, tech-empowered campus and facilities, including our Center for Innovation & Design, our Math & Science Center, and the remarkable Science On a Sphere® learning tool. Families will have the opportunity to engage with current members of our community, including students, faculty, coaches, and parents.

Program-Specific Information Sessions

Morristown Beard School has planned several information sessions designed for families and students who have a specific interest in a discipline, program, or field of study. Applicants of all ages are invited to attend any of these sessions. You can find more information about each session below, including registration links!

Financial Aid Information Sessions

No matter where you are in your school search, the Admission Office is here to answer your questions. Join a member of the Admission team for a short financial aid process overview and an opportunity to have your questions answered.

Male student attending a school open house at a private high school in Morristown, New Jersey
Family talking together at a private school outdoor gathering in New Jersey